как похудеть ? | Treatment by thawed snow. | Диеты |
According to UNESCO, almost each country has problems with water supply because of deficiency of sources of high quality fresh water as underground waters frequently cannot be used because of their big mineralization. Besides in sources poisonous chemicals and the crude industrial - household sewage to some extent get.
All now know, that nontoxical pesticides do not happen. Researches have revealed authentic communication(connection) between diseases of a liver, a bilious bubble, a pancreas and size of "loading" pesticides. Pesticides, mineral fertilizers, nitrates collect in ground, pass in water sources and undermine health of people. There is a communication(connection) between application of mineral fertilizers and pesticides and premature birth, mental frustration, displays of dotage. We shall add, that chlorination of potable water - not first class method of its(her) processing. It allows to remove opportunities of occurrence of epidemic diseases, but threatens with an aggravation of intestinal - gastric diseases under influence of chlorides.
On the Earth there is no even the most primitive essence, any plant which would not have water in the structure and could manage it(her). From 80 up to 99 % of weight of all plants and about 75 % of weight of all animals water makes. The human brain contains up to 85 % of water. The slightest receipts in this water of the strangers not peculiar to the person of substances cause infringement, ломку a mental condition. An example to that influence of alcohol, nicotine, drugs, toxic substances and other stimulants, switching допинговые the preparation / person very sharply feels infringement of water balance: loss of a moisture at a rate of 6-8 % from weight of a body causes a grave condition close to a faint. At loss of 10-12 % of a moisture heart ceases to beat.
I could be convinced, that the most radical method of water treating from all dissolved of it(her) is вымораживание all impurity.
The way is based on property of water of any salinity to allocate at freezing crystals of pure(clean) ice very small on the sizes, but continuously increasing during freezing. Thus more concentrated "brine" is placed in cells, between crystals of fresh(stale) ice.
As the brine, even Very weak concentration, freezes at lower temperatures, than fresh water (in some cases at 7 degrees) during freezing the initial water containing impurity as dissolved salts, organic substances and ядохимикатов, is divided(shared) on fresh(stale) ice and a residual brine, which, having the greater densities, than ice, gradually flows down through porous weight of crystals of fresh(stale) ice..
At fast freezing intervals between ice crystals are filled by new crystals, earlier, than the brine has time to flow out from intercrystal intervals. Therefore slow rate of freezing is suitable.
Freezing is very convenient for making in the domestic refrigerator having the freezing chamber. Capacities available in a facilities(an economy) are filled by cold water water (not up to the top) and necessarily covered with a cover or a slice of a cardboard; in the freezing chamber of them it is better to put on a lining (for example, from a cardboard), serving as a heat insulator for a vessel.
First of all it is necessary to fix, during what time there is a freezing about half of initial volume of water in a vessel. Further in compliance with this time also make the subsequent freezings, depending on хладопроизводительности the freezing chamber and volume of frozen water. On this process there leave 12-18 hours that allows to repeat a cycle of freezing twice day, but it is possible to choose and other cycles more convenient for using (for example, the daily allowance). It is preferable to put in the freezing chamber at once some capacities that for 1-2 cycles to receive 3-6 litres of the fresh(stale) ice cleared of impurity, taking into account, that the daily need(requirement) of the adult person for the pure(clean) water used for drink and preparation of food, makes 1,5-2,5 litres.
Stayed after each cycle of freezing the brine is necessary for pouring out, as there went in the raised(increased) concentration all salt and other nocuous impurity from initial volume of water.
Расстаивание the received fresh(stale) ice it is possible to make in the bottom volumes of the same refrigerator.
The charge of electric energy for preparation of 10 litres of thawed snow on the average makes 1,5 watts - hours and depends on a design of a refrigerator.
For the future prepared thawed .воду store(keep) in separate capacities (cans, the saucepans, the enameled buckets) and as required spend for preparations of tea and in general all dishes food рациона* demanding potable water of high clearing.
Thus, usual chlorinated water water completely is excluded from the use in a diet. According to Tomsk мединститута, regular consumption of pure(clean) water effectively at treatment of an atherosclerosis and diseases of cardiovascular system.
Insignificant complication of the above described process of clearing allows an additional opportunity to get rid as well of small dozes of the heavy water harmful to the person usually contained in structure of water water (approximately 150 milligrams in one litre).
Heavy water freezes at temperature plus 3,8 S.Pri artificial freezing heavy water its(her) ice отлагается on walls and day of vessels and besides forms thin openwork plates дейтериевого ice in все^м volume of the cooled water freezes the first; перекрещиваясь in all directions, they create a beautiful spatial lattice from thin planes льдинок which at the further freezing are the center намерзания fresh(stale) ice.
If freezing occurs slowly it is possible to trace a phase of formation(education) of crystals of ice of heavy water and easily this ice without difficulties to delete (simply to pour still недозамерзшую water in the intermediate capacity, the stayed ice of heavy water to thaw in any way and to send in the water drain). In released(exempted) from дейтериевого ice utensils water comes back недозамерзшая, is repeatedly established in a deep-freezer and there as it is told above, made her(it) домораживание (approximately up to half of volume of utensils), branch of a brine and reception of the pure(clean) fresh(stale) ice already released(exempted) from an impurity of heavy water. If it is casual all water in a vessel will freeze completely (together with a brine), that is an opportunity to correct such infringement of process as follows. Not taking out ice from a vessel, substitute his(its) central part under a weak jet of water water and so вытаивают average белесоватуючасть a frozen brine. Continuously alternating(interleaving) submission of a jet of water and plums расплава from a formed cavity, протаивание carry out until on surburbs of a vessel there will be a layer of pure(clean) transparent ice. This ice can be applied in a diet.
Full freezing of water can break off glass, ceramic (clay, porcelain, faience) and the enameled utensils as extending at crystallization, ice develops pressure up to thousand atmospheres.
For process of freezing forms and the sizes of vessels in which initial chlorinated water is poured are completely indifferent. It is possible to freeze water in rigid packages from under milk, kefir, juices, in tin or aluminium banks and circles - if only they were waterproof. High aluminium saucepans are very convenient for these purposes.
At preparation of potable water of the first-rate quality it is necessary to not miss the moment when half of water in a vessel will freeze approximately and to have time to pour out недозамерзшую a part (brine). At branch of heavy water it is necessary to notice occurrence of plastic crystals and to remove them from process of the further clearing (when their thickness will reach(achieve) 2-3 millimeters).
The thawed snow used for preparation of food, any additives does not demand, as in products already there is a surplus of salts. The offered(suggested) method can be used in medical and children's establishments, the cooperative and state enterprises.
In the way I use about three years, I feel recovered (though to me 78 years), the vigorous and physically got stronger person - as it should be at everyone who normally eats and uses only good-quality water.